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in one place!

Download the app to track & manage all your purchases and spends  & enjoy personalized rewards! Lifetime free for the first 10,000 users!
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20 Million+ Orders Tracked and Rewarded from your favourite brands across the world
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How it Works
Mobile screen
View all your purchases in one place
Connect your email accounts & Import all your purchases into one smart shopping inbox.
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Cinema Ticket
Track all your important order updates
Upcoming flight? Order in transit? Going to a concert soon? Track and manage all purchases here.
Earn rewards on every purchase
Turn every order into reward points. Redeem all your points on a selection of personalised offers you’ll love.
Upgrade to
Secure your invite-only email now

AI-powered spam

95357 unread emails? No more. email uses smart AI filters to identify what's important for you, blocks spam and keeps your inbox clean and organised.
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5X More Rewarding!

Your email is the most rewarding email for online purchases. Unlock 5X more reward points when you checkout with your email instead of your personal email.
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Exclusive benefits with partner brands

Special Access to exclusive benefits from partners (more discounts, free shipping etc) when you check out with a email.

Personal email protection

Your email info is strictly monitored & safeguarded for privacy violations, and frequent spammers are automatically disabled from reaching your inbox. Schedule & forward email backups any time, to stay in control of your data.

Our Promise

Your data. Always Anonymous.
Our AI analyzes shopping preferences of users at an anonymised & aggregated level, and personalizes the rewards which are offered accordingly.

None of your data is shared to any brand partner, & isn’t accessible to anyone except you!

Get your email today

Select the best plan
suited to you.
Join the waitlist today!
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Connect all your Email accounts & Import your shopping history

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Track your purchases & shopping insights
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Earn Flash Coins for every purchase
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Redeem Flash Coins against Gift Vouchers from top brands
$5 / month
Lifetime Free (limited time offer)
Everything in Basic plus
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Access, the most premium email for shopping
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Enjoy Al-Powered, 100% Spam Protection
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Enjoy a 100% Private email experience
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Exclusive premium rewards on brand partners
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5X Reward Points on every purchase!
*Switching to your flash email will not make you lose any progress with the brands, but will deliver you savings in time and money!

Our community loves
our product as much as they love to shop

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I've never felt more secure using an email service. The robust encryption keeps my conversations private, and the AI-powered features ensure that suspicious emails are filtered out. It's a game-changer for both personal and professional communication!
Finance Analyst
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
Switching to this email service was the best decision! I used to be overwhelmed by spam, but now my inbox is clean and organized. The AI does a fantastic job filtering out unwanted messages. Highly recommend!
Freelance Writer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
This email service has significantly boosted my productivity. The AI tools seamlessly categorize emails, prioritize important ones, and filter out spam. It's like having a personal assistant for my inbox!
Marketing Manager
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
The combination of top-notch security and intelligent AI makes this email service unbeatable. I love how it automatically identifies and blocks spam, making my email experience smooth and worry-free.
Software Developer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
As someone who used 3-4 Gmail IDs for shopping just to keep my inbox clean, Flash has been a godsend. Their spam segregation is extremely accurate and I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Freelance Writer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
I was hooked when I heard that using an email ID could help me earn rewards and updated my email ID everywhere! Now, I love Flash even more because it helps me get insights, cut through the spam, and get slick order summaries.
Freelance Writer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
As a email tool nerd, my favorite feature has to be the heavy reduction in spam. I have now made Flash my sole transactional inbox, the rewards are the cherry on the top!
Freelance Writer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
I've never felt more secure using an email service. The robust encryption keeps my conversations private, and the AI-powered features ensure that suspicious emails are filtered out. It's a game-changer for both personal and professional communication!
Finance Analyst
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
Switching to this email service was the best decision! I used to be overwhelmed by spam, but now my inbox is clean and organized. The AI does a fantastic job filtering out unwanted messages. Highly recommend!
Freelance Writer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
This email service has significantly boosted my productivity. The AI tools seamlessly categorize emails, prioritize important ones, and filter out spam. It's like having a personal assistant for my inbox!
Marketing Manager
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
The combination of top-notch security and intelligent AI makes this email service unbeatable. I love how it automatically identifies and blocks spam, making my email experience smooth and worry-free.
Software Developer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
As someone who used 3-4 Gmail IDs for shopping just to keep my inbox clean, Flash has been a godsend. Their spam segregation is extremely accurate and I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Freelance Writer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
I was hooked when I heard that using an email ID could help me earn rewards and updated my email ID everywhere! Now, I love Flash even more because it helps me get insights, cut through the spam, and get slick order summaries.
Freelance Writer
Testimonial Image
Quote Icon
As a email tool nerd, my favorite feature has to be the heavy reduction in spam. I have now made Flash my sole transactional inbox, the rewards are the cherry on the top!
Freelance Writer
Testimonial Image
Girl Image

Crafted for the shopper in you

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